LEVEL 3: How can my major make the world a better place? 🦋

July 02, 2021. 


Hello everyone, I'm glad you're here.

Today I come to talk about a topic that I had not thought about before.  How can my Major make the world a better place? The truth is that I do not have a concrete answer, but I will try to raise one in the following way. 

If we think that most people consume movies, series, videos and shows, we could say that it affects people's spirits. For example, my career is in charge of art direction in audiovisuals, so the atmospheres created from the image are those that affect whoever sees it.

And understanding the amount of productions that are made, it is super important to know that certain elements can be reused. I feel that learning to use resources wisely and not producing more waste is something that as a designer I feel obliged to do.

For another way, the stories that are told through the image in which the design is present acquire a decisive role when it comes to portraying realities, showing the public what they do not see.

I think that my major contributes to the world to the extent that it provides a space for distraction or knowledge in what it produces and I hope to be part of this 💫

Thanks so much for reading! ✨


  1. I enjoyed a lot the films, it's a good way to give a message to people.

  2. I hope u can to fulfill all your goals, good luck!!!<3

  3. Sooo trueee! and i can't wait to see ur film! Good luck in the finals :*!


  4. In this area, what I like the most are documentaries, I like to know about realities different from mine.
    Good luck with your career!


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